This instruction show you guide on how to use Launch X431 devices to backup and restore Bosch MED17.5.25 ECU data.
What You Need in This Guide:
Note:Please don’t charge the tablet when performing ECU data backup or restore,because charge may affect communication failed.And please make sure your Launch X431 PAD V have enough power.
Enter Launch X431 IMMO Pro menu to select “IMMO PROG”
Connect the Dongle,X-PROG 3,OBD port or power supply
Press “OK” to continue
Select “Engine”–>”Bosch”–>”Search for ECU Model”
Input engine type information that marked on ECU:MED 17.5.25
Recommend connect and communicate ECU by USB mode,because a unstable signal could cause ECU damage.
Turn on USB switch and connect by USB
Go to “TC1782”–>”View Wiring Diagram”
Follow the diagram to use special cables to connect the ECU to X-PROG 3
Back to Launch X431 PAD to select “Read Chip ID”
Chip ID reading successfully,it meaning connection build well
Choose backup EEPROM data
Reading EEPROM,progress
After reading successfully,input save file name
Data backup succeeded
After then just back to menu to select “Back Up FLASH Data”,the steps are same
And if you need restore,just press “Restore EEPROM Data”,and select the data file you want to restore.
More test report about Launch X431 please check:Launch X431 Test report